Creating a Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) with Phantom Stock

Creating a Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) with Phantom Stock

Phantom stock is used by companies as an approach to long-term incentive plans and as a mechanism for creating additional performance-based awards. Private and public companies utilize long term incentive plans as a retention tool, to align key employees with company...
Aligning Long-term Incentives with Corporate Culture

Aligning Long-term Incentives with Corporate Culture

by Tom Wilson One of Peter Drucker’s notable expression was: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In fact, culture shapes behaviors, where plans and structures only attempt to influence them. Long-term incentives, compensation programs tied to a company’s future,...
Equity Compensation When a Pandemic Happens

Equity Compensation When a Pandemic Happens

by Tom Wilson “A dime ain’t worth a nickel anymore.” — Yogi Berra The current Covid-19 pandemic is creating significant confusion regarding what to do about equity awards – stock options, restricted stock, RSU’s, performance-based stock units, etc. This article...